Winning Trades: Losing Trades

I just published a new trading strategy that I think you might like.
It is so simple it only uses one indicator which makes it much easier to trade.
I think you are going to really like this strategy and how easy and effective it is.
Make sure you let me know if you have a question about the strategy leave a comment.
This is the kind of strategy that you can use to pass a prop firm. Practice with it for a while and then if you think it works you could take a test on my propfirm.
I have prop firm that is fantastic, you can check it out here.
Tomorrow I'm going to publish my weekly review and also the strategy for next week make sure you check it out.
To your trading success,
Casey Stubbs
P.S. If you want to take the prop firm test let me know at and I will give you a discount code.