Ready to Add $3,500 to Your Account? Try This Setup This Week.

I'm a believer of planning your trade then trading the plan and I got a hot setup for you today!
This plays into what I wrote yesterday about focusing on one trade at a time.
It can be a great way to get a feel on how the market will move in the future.
One thing you can practice on is predicting the movements.
Then seeing how close you actually get to your prediction.
Now here is a setup that I am outlining so you can see exactly how I do this.

Notice how this short is setup exactly on the key levels.
What I would like you to do is practice doing this for the next 10 trades.
Wait for the setup to happen exactly as you predicted.
If the price action doesn't work then don't take the trade.
It's that simple.
Now the thing about doing this is that you will avoid a ton of crappy trades.
This is the reason I told you yesterday to focus on great trades and just the one trade at a time.
I am doing a training on Thursday live and I will be talking with people at the end of the webinar.
I want to see if any of you actually followed my advice and planned out your trades in advance.
You see what I am looking for is for people to actually listen and follow my advice.
The ones that listen to the words I am speaking will be the ones that have the biggest success breakthroughs.
Take a look at the chart below.

Similiar to the first image yet this is the exact image that my system created.
I am going to show you how to get access to this system.
I think you should come and check this out.
Plus I'm going to stick around for a bit afterwards and answer your questions and even give you some bonus training.
I want every single person reading this email to join with us in the live training.
My favorite part of the live training we do each week is that Ben and I get to see people who have that AHA moment.
When they realize how to finally achieve the breakthrough they have been looking for.
IF you want to have a breakthrough join us.
Click one of these links and join with me and Ben on Thursday.
I know that if you keep learning and do not give up you
To Your Trading Success,
Casey Stubbs