Learn from My Biggest Trading Mistake

The biggest mistake of all... I am always talking about mistakes because I make so many. Can you relate? I think you can.
I have this system that is 21-2, and it is fire.
Well, I decided to jump into a different trade because I know so much about trading since I'm a guru and all.
Well, that one trade cost me about 95% of my account because I over-leveraged.
No No NO!
Don't do that.
I need to read the disciplined trader book again that is collecting dust on the shelf.
Sometimes I need to follow my own rules.
The good news:
I went back to the system and got another win today.
Also it was on my small account so no real harm done but I need to treat all my accounts seriously.
I hope you all can learn from my mistake, but on the other hand, this new system is amazing 21-2 lets see how long I can keep that streak alive.
To Your Trading Success,
Casey Stubbs