The Greatest Day

I try to take some time to reflect and show my gratitude for the day that I have had.
I have experienced some tough times recently, but I always find things to be thankful for each day.
This has helped me weather some tremendous storms with great joy.
The practice of gratitude, along with reading the word of God daily and journaling, has helped me not just get through the days but overcome them.
Today was great, and I want to share a little highlight for you....
Today, I woke up at 3:00 am and took a few trades early because I had to go on a road trip with my family.
The trades were a big success so made some good money in just a few minutes.
Then we all got in the van and had a fantastic time with my family.
We all got along and even my wife and I got along so well (That is a great day)
Then, I got to the hotel around 2 p.m. and made a video with some trade updates for my 52 trade members.
Then we went back to having fun, and this evening, I got in and worked on sending out some emails.
It was a great day because I had a wonderful time with my family. These memories are precious and will last forever.
It was also a great day because I only had to spend about an hour trading and the rest of the time enjoying myself.
This is one of the huge advantages of being a trader.
Not sure if this email helps but I love to share not just the strategies but the blessings of the trading lifestyle.
To your trading success,
Casey Stubbs
P.S. Check out my 52 trades workshop and learn my weekly trading strategy.