How To Break a Losing Streak

How To Break a Losing Streak

The first thing you need to do is to deal with those pesky emotions.

[As always I have a setup at the end]

Let me tell you a story on my experience with this.

When I first started trading I hit a massive winning streak.

It was beginners luck on a grand scale.

I took my account from $50 to over $3,000.

I was on top of the world and felt like I cracked the code to unlimited riches.

Can you guess what happened next?


I kept increasing risk and I ended up losing the entire account in one trade.

I was devastated!

I bet you have never done anything like that, Right?

If you have you know how bad I felt.

I lost all my confidence.

It was so bad I think when I look back on it I couldnt win a trade after that for months.

My head game was so bad I was shaken up.

I think I had trading PTSD

I didn't break the losing streak until I got my confidence back and dealt with my emotions.

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Here is what I did:

  • Acknowledge My Emotions: Recognize that trading can trigger strong emotions like fear, greed, or frustration. Identifying these feelings is the first step toward managing them effectively.
  • Reflect on Past Successes: Remember your successful trades and the strategies that worked for you. This helps rebuild confidence by focusing on what you did right.
  • Reassess Your Strategy: Analyze your recent trades to identify patterns or mistakes. Adjust your trading plan to minimize risks and avoid repeating the same errors.
  • Start Small: After a losing streak, reduce your position sizes. This allows you to rebuild confidence gradually without the pressure of large losses.
  • Practice Patience and Discipline: Stick to your trading plan and avoid impulsive decisions. Consistency and discipline are key to regaining control over your emotions and trading effectively.
Me showing analysis to Members SP500 Trade Happening

The key to SP right now is a double resistance level if we get good price action could see a short develop.

The the resistance breaks we are back to the bull market.

Check out my live training this week for more tips and a hot trade that could generate profits.

I know that if you keep learning and do not give up you

To Your Trading Success,

Casey Stubbs

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